

Considered a stable and prosperous nation, Chile is located in the extreme southwest of South America, leading the Latin American nations in human development, competitiveness,  state of peace and economic freedom, and ranking high regionally in sustainability and democratic development.   

Chile is the longest and thinnest country in the world runs from the Andes to the Pacific, It also has territories in Polynesia and Antarctica, making it a tri-continental nation.  

What makes Chile so special is that boasts one of the planet’s most diverse landscapes: from the tall peaks of the Andes and endless beaches to lush temperate forests, superb national parks and conservation areas, ancient volcanoes, and a dramatic coastline such as that found at Cape Horn. 

Is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Chile offers stargazing in the world’s driest desert, cleanest skies, ancient glaciers on the planet’s southernmost tip, forests and lakes located at the foot of imposing volcanoes, islands full of legends, tradition in wines and a Santiago that feels modern and trendy. 

Best Time to Travel 

Chile has its 4 stations marked as the rest of the countries of the Southern Hemisphere: Summer (December – March), Autumn (March – June), Winter (June – September), Spring (September-December). 

Nevertheless, the topography and the influence of the Pacific Ocean are the main factors that explain the climate variety of Chile. 

North Area  

The Atacama Desert is the highest, driest desert on the planet, with almost no rainfalls during the whole year. Daily temperatures are quite stable all year round, in Summer the heat is more intense, meanwhile in winter, there are temperatures below zero; Nevertheless evenings at high altitudes are alwys cool. 


Patagonia has a steppe climate, and high winds year-round, but the warmest months are from November to March, during the summer season, with average temperatures between 10-16 °C.  Meanwhile. In winter, Southern Patagonia is cold and often has snow 

Central Chile  & The Coast 

Santiago city boasts a Mediterranean climate with the four seasons clearly marked by dry, warm summers and cold winters. There are moderate year-round temperatures, meanwhile the most popular time to visit Valparaiso and the coast line, is during the Summer, between December – March.  

North Patagonia & The Lake District  

Including Puerto Varas, Chiloé,  the Araucanía and the Lakes District, this region feature snowcapped volcanoes and fjords, where there is a cool mountain climate from October to April, with temperatures ranging from 15 – 19° C . The wet season is from May – June to October, when it rains frequently.  

In the  Austral zone, such as in Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, a cold steppe climate develops, characterized by low temperatures and rainfall occurring in winter usually in the form of snow.  

Insular Area  

Easter Island shows subtropical climate. It is a great destination to visit at any time of the year, since beneath the tropics in the Pacific Ocean is Easter Island, which ranges from 18º -28 ºC.    

Consult the World Weather website for an update weather in Chile. 


It is necessary to have a valid passport with at least 6 months remaining until expiration, in order to arrive into Chile.  

Citizens from South America, the European Union, the USA, Canada and Australia do not need tourist visas. However, some countries must pay a reciprocity tax upon arrivial at the airport in Chile. 

However, please check with your local consulate to verify whether you need a visa to get into the country. Likewise, we are available to assist you with this process. 

Please refer to the website below to confirm if you require a visa before visiting Chile.